
Gühring ist Mitglied im VDWF

Gühring joins the prestigious circle of mould making experts: At the beginning of the year, we became an official member of the Verband Deutscher Werkzeug- und Formenbauer e.V. (VDWF) (Association of German Tool and Mould Makers). “The opportunity to share knowledge and experience on level ground within this sector is very important to us,” says Ricardo Vieweg, Industry Manager for Tool and Mould Making at Gühring. “This means that we are always aware of the concerns and needs of our customers and can incorporate this information into the development of new products.”

Collecting industry knowledge as the basis for new innovations?– with its numerous events, task forces and practical forums, the VDWF is exactly the right platform for this. “But we also hope that other companies in the tool and mould making sector can profit from our broad expertise in the field of cutting tools,” says Vieweg.

The opportunity to share knowledge and experience on level ground within this sector is very important to us.

Ricardo Vieweg

Industry Manager Tool & Mould Making, Gühring

Partner for tool and mould making

Gühring has been a partner in tool and mould making technology for many years. Now our aim is to further expand our commitment in this field by becoming a member of the strongest professional association in this sector, with 462 members.

The VDWF stands for expanding Germany’s status as a technical leader and is regarded as a force for innovation in tool and mould making. Members include a wide range of service providers, contract manufacturers, suppliers and machine manufacturers, as well as research institutions and universities.

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