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Online shop & ESIS? Comfort interface

No more doing the same work twice: transfer data with the ESIS? Comfort interface

Do you order your tools in the supplier shop and then transfer all order data to your ERP system? There is an easier option. The ESIS? Comfort interface connects the Gühring online shop with your ERP system. This offers the following advantages for your ordering process:

  • Order without recording data twice
  • Reduce overall procurement process costs

Our service staff will be happy to advise you on the implementation
of ESIS?. Just phone: 00800 2607 2607

Benefits for your ordering process

Procurement via ERP system

Every system crash during order processing means more work, and therefore higher costs and a higher risk of errors occurring. That is why Gühring has implemented the ESIS? (Easy Supplier Integration Services) data interface. It automatically transfers order data between the customer and supplier system – without you having to compile your order twice.


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Do you have any questions?

You may find the answers right here.

How can I set up the ESIS? interface?

For you to use the ESIS? interface, an initial set-up of the software in your ERP is required. Gühring’s set-up service will help you with the integration. Please contact us at [email protected]. The requirements are then reconciled and compared with the ERP provider. Finally, the interface will be set up, which we will be happy to assist you with.

Are there any licence fees for the ESIS? interface?

No license fees are charged for the ESIS? interface. However, depending on how much work is involved in setting up ESIS?, your ERP service provider may charge fees. Costs are also incurred if you use the Gühring set-up service.

Can I combine the ESIS? interface with Gühring’s Tool Management system?

Yes, you can also connect these two worlds via an interface between the online shop and Gühring Tool Management Software (GTMS) and use the ESIS? interface. This creates enormous potential for process cost savings: you can set up automated repeat orders via the GTMS; these are transferred to the shop and automatically recorded in the ERP system using the ESIS? interface. All you have to do is store the new tool.

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Send and receive data without system crash

No need to record data twice

Save on process costs

Further services for process optimisation

Ordering tools

Online shop

Order tools online with just a few clicks or access tool and CAD data free of charge.

Storage and archiving of documents


With EDI, your company can exchange business documents with Gühring, such as orders, delivery notes and invoices without you having to intervene.

Purchasing, procurement


Via OCI you can securely access our online shop from your ERP or transfer carts from the shop to your system.