
Sales Areas Sweden

Talk to us. Make contact with us.
In Sweden, Europe, all over the world.

We look forward to personally making contact with you.

Gühring Sweden AB

Plastgatan 14
531 55 Lidk?ping

+46 (0)510-212 50

[email protected]
[email protected] (order)
[email protected] (faktura)

Rolf Olofsson

Area 2
Teknisk s?ljare Dalarna / G?vleborg / V?sternorrland
+46(0)702-32 35 49
[email protected]

Utg?ngsort: Hudiksvall

Andreas Husberg

Area 7
Teknisk s?ljare Sm?land / Blekinge / Sk?ne
+46 (0)731 – 50 96 54
[email protected]

Utg?ngsort: Ljungby

Mattias S?derberg

Area 8
Teknisk s?ljare V?stra G?taland / Halland
+46 (0)738-07 86 00
[email protected]

Utg?ngsort: ?deborg

Sverker Persson

Area 9
?terf?rs?ljare J?mtland / H?rjedalen
+46 (0)706-01 69 69
[email protected]

Fredrik Alm

Area 10
Teknisk s?ljare N?rke / V?stmanland
+46 (0)725-10 47 90
[email protected]

Utg?ngsort: Eskilstuna

Patrick Jangenstedt

Area 13
Teknisk s?ljare ?sterg?tland / S?dermanland
+46 (0)708-68 47 16
[email protected]

Utg?ngsort: Norrk?ping

Tomas Eriksson

Area 14
Teknisk s?ljare V?sterbotten / Norrbotten
+46 (0)731 – 50 98 74
[email protected]

Utg?ngsort: Mal?

Nikolaos Diavatis

Area 16
Teknisk s?ljare Stockholm / Uppland / G?vleborg
+46 (0)703-10 95 23
[email protected]

Utg?ngsort: ?sterv?la

Patrik ?stberg

Peter Karlsson

Marcus Westerling

Anton Oxenl?v

Inge Lennartsson

More Contact Informations

Oskar Bringsved

F?rs?ljnings- och Marknadschef
+46 (0)708-40 67 95
[email protected]

Emilia Hellberg

Ekonomichef och HR-ansvarig
+46 (0)729-67 38 51
[email protected]

Christoffer Held

Julia Josefsson

S?lj- och Marknadskoordinator
+46 (0)735-58 12 07
[email protected]

Pia Mayer

David Johansson

S?ljsupport – Specialverktyg / Tool Management
+46 (0)708-61 98 94
[email protected]

Roger Jansson

Kvalitet och Produktionsutveckling
+46 (0)733-67 34 29
[email protected]

Frida Apelqvist

S?ljsupport – Standardverktyg
+46 (0)708-63 96 56
[email protected]

Tobias Collin

S?ljsupport – Standardverktyg
+46 (0)732-36 65 13
[email protected]


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